Version 1.51 - Victory Lap

I've reached Master 950 in the game, and thus I'm in the home stretch to completing my own creation! Thus, like Obama giving themselves a medal, there is now a little celebratory fanfare upon reaching Master 1000. Hopefully I'll see it soon.

Also, a big thanks to the player who donated $10 when downloading the game. It was a welcome surprise, and I got some ice cream with the cash.

In this update, I've also polished up some lingering minor bugs I was aware of but had been avoiding for a while. But it was best to get them handled now before they compounded.

If a word appears, it no longer can appear as one of the answer choices in the next question. There was already logic to stop a word appearing a question twice in a row. However, this also means if such a word was an answer choice, you could exclude it as an answer. This isn't really learning the word, so amended.

Updated the code controlling the visuals of the Save/Load button. As I had cobbled the button logic together, there was a lot of stuff like 'If the text of the button says "Confirm" then the enter press will work in x way". But relying on the text of the button was both unwieldy and ugly, leaving a  few minor visual bugs in the game. I've now updated the code with a more proper state system to manage the button.

Adjusted some visual confirmations with the Enter button. There was a known issue where hitting Enter to choose "Log in" or "Sign up" would cause a "Can't submit an empty password" error because holding enter would trigger both sequences back to back, frame to frame. This has been fixed with some new flags that rely on the previously-mentioned state system

Adjusted a few words to appear earlier. While I'm generally pleased with the state of when words appear, it did feel like some quantity words like "all" and "none" and "half" were too important to appear later, and thus those (along with a few other stuff I've forgotten about) have been reordered

Made the green experience orbs fade in very quickly upon spawning. It's tough to notice because it's so fast, but the orbs appeared instantly on top of the button, which seemed off. I can't make them appear from behind the button for boring technical reasons, but I could add a very rapid fade-in that makes it way less apparent.

Added a failsafe so the game can't be softlocked. In extremely unusual circumstances, it was possible to softlock the game by not having enough words to add more words to the exp bar. Now there's a calculated minimum threshold to prevent this very unlikely possibility.

As always, thanks for your support!


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